The biggest countries who accessed Facebook

Facebook has announced number of users has 500 million hits. But Facebook side not specify clearly the biggest contries who accessed the site. But from RoyalPingdom still show America is the largest country that accessing Facebook, and also followed with UK, Indonesia, and Italy.

United States dominates approximately 24 percent from Facebook users as whole with members reached 130 million users. And, UK have 28 million users. Indonesia and Italy are expected to have same number of users, that is approximately 26 million users. Want to know more, here’s 10 biggest countries who using Facebook based members,

1. United States (130 million)

2. UK (28 million)

3. Indonesia (26 million)

4. Italy (26 million)

5. France (21 million)

6. India (21 million)

7. Germany (18 million)

8. Mexico (16 million)

9. Turkey (16 million)

10. Canada (15 million)

