Recognize the signs someone is lying

Uncomfortable it feels when we become a liar, as well as stand a chance when we are with a liar. Sometimes whatever is spoken is not a thing that must be heard. But what about a new person we know, of course you would not know whether a liar or not. So, to anticipate or know if someone is a liar, this is how.

- Nervous. Lying has symptoms similar to the tension. In many situations when we intend to lie, we may feel nervous, trying to cover up mistakes. Easy way of knowing the nature of individual and know the difference. If a person is usually relaxed, and then suddenly frequent blinking and doing unusual eye movements, tongue licking and touching the face can be used as characteristics of a person is lying.

- Pay attention to body language. Observe the body language of gesture that seemed to cover a certain part of the face or body. Touching the nose are characteristic of the symptoms of tension. When Bill Clinton testified before the jury about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, his body is naturally doing the normal body language when answered correctly. However, when he was forced out more about it, he seemed to touch his nose every four minutes. In total, about 26 times.

- Restlessness excessive. Pay attention if you suspect someone is lying, scratch or rub her clothes. If you want the center to lie and cover it, control your view and place your hands in peace without looking unnatural.

- Exaggerated smile. Aside from the typical look of grinning liars, the study found people smile more when they are telling the truth.

- Believe in your instincts. Often we can detect a person to lie in intuition than scientific. It may be true if the old adage says, if you suspect someone is lying, maybe you're right.

- You will notice that the person speaking to you avoid eye contact. His eyes will be more frequent blinking or spinning the other way.

- The man showed confusion when speaking. When he lied, he would think about his mistake at the same time. This would interfere with his attention in conversation.

- A liar often speak very quickly or in short sentences. He tries to round out the situation as quickly as possible.

- If you watch a liar's body language carefully, you will see that his body language like a form of self protection. The man was trying to protect themselves with a specific action such as going back, crossed his arms, or squeeze his hand.

- Liar pretending to confusion in conversations. He created such confusion that he could hear other people's opinions and agree to them.

- Sometimes, liars showed the opposite behavior. He wants to say no but he nodded his head.

- Typically, a liar is not ready to say these lies. When he's lying about something, it was not premeditated. He will be confused and lose the consistency of his conversation.

- Laughter is excessive and exaggerated sense of solidarity can be an important sign of deceit. Liar to pretend to show that he is your friend, so you'll start believing it.

- The best way to improve your ability to determine whether someone is lying or not is to listen well. If you listen well what he was saying, then you can easily find the inconsistency in his talks. This is one effective way to find out whether they are lying or not.

- Also clearly visible when someone tells a lie, he tends to give an explanation that is not important. He would give too much detail about the situation.

- When the liar knows that the audience knows will lie, he will soon feel offended. The same thing happens in case of phone conversations. People who lie tend to hang up the phone or quickly changes the topic.

- Liar usually says something is not done. Sometimes also exaggerate the results of the experiment.

- Once a liar, would create more lies to cover previous lies. Smoke scree often do.

- When the promise, often deny. When there is quickness, with a passionate spirit gives hope enormously convincing. But when his business was in the can, usually oblivious to the promise of sweetness.
