Phising becomes a serious threat

Online activity stolen user data, or often call with phising entered crazy time now. This matter that happened can becoming one information for us to beware all of fraud attempts through virtual world. But that must we need to know as well as remember is, “Don’t give your account ID or your bank account password via email if have a request any from”. Because of that, this matter can become one method to attack as phising method.

Because of that, based information that I got and I think as information for you about phising attack from ten countries that including worried as follows:

China (35 percent). Sector that becoming attack is Internet Service provider

South Korea (29 percent). Sector that becoming attack is financial

Taiwan (10 percent), with financial sector

Japan (9 percent), with financial sector

Australia (5 percent) with financial sector

Thailand (4 percent) with financial sector

India (2 percent) with financial sector

Indonesia (2 percent) with financial sector

Malaysia (1 percent) with financial sector

Singapore (1 percent) with financial sector too

So, looked this realty, phising have attack that majority in financial sector.

