I love my first wife

I feel has long time I want to be focus with my work, but I can’t forget this place read blog. I know sometimes we can’t worked many job, because everyone have limit to finished all of job. I’m try to keep my first wife. If you think “what’s going on with my first wife?!” Hihi.., that was not really my first wife and I don’t have problem with my wife, because I don’t have wife. But.., in this case about my first blog, and I named with my first wife because I loving this blog.

Be a blogger is difficult, have several opportunities as well choice that make me confuse. Routine activity make me tire and everything about inspiration gone in my brain. But everything that happened, I try to keep my first wife and also my second wife, that have topic all about personal, and I give name with personal webblog. If remember since first until now, I’m still lookin’ like ugly man. I know many lesson that must to get as well as try to known all about blogging. And it’s not only blogging, many matters that must to know, especially about life. Because of that, I make this blog to share everything that may useful for all. One by one has gone, and also when he gone, not be back again. Times will run and run, so.. Don’t forget to remember what are you doing today? How about your target? Success or not, don’t think about failed, but try to think and doing to be realty all dream in your mind. Cheerrss.. ;)

