Need the peaceful

All of us maybe has known about condition in Palestine. Invasion from Israel cause many people died, and Israel apparently not hear other countries that wish stopped this invasion. I don’t know what are think in Israel sides, evidently he doing attack everyday in Palestine. Sure, between from we have feel sad if seeing condition in Palestine now. Because this phenomenon cause more than three thousand people die. Oh God, this was really sad. Moreover if we seeing many children be sacrifice, and anyone will be sad if seeing they condition. Because they was children, he don’t know about anything that happened now, and in fact they were being in their world, that is run, laugh, imitation, or play with their friends.

What are not have peaceful in this world? Despite many countries that concern with Palestine, but Israel like not care with scream from various countries. Now, beauty was lost, peaceful not like characteristic that we have as human. We can imagine, how if we live in this condition. Or we can try how our feeling if we seeing around that have only crying voices and also scream.

We hope this matter will be end, and we hope have some side that will be peacemaker to stop this war. Because basically each from human have right live with peace, and that will be feel if condition our us peace too, not like condition in Palestine now. All of we always pray to you Palestine, God blessing you..

