Simple method to settled credit card bill

For some people, credit card is a card was obligate to owned for become as media on several payment that emergency, or maybe to pay transaction with simply. Could be said, credit card is a payment implements that really universal. With used credit card, you could do transaction or done payment anywhere when you want to use. But, many people among the user of credit card often trapped in this function from credit card. Even not a few that in use has passed of limit which given from side bank that issued of credit card.

I’m read and get simple information from my favorite place read. Several tips that could that you do to settled bill of credit card every month. First, you must pay the bill from side bank with on time. With do like that, you not get affected the interest. If condition of finance not enable to settle the number of bills that must to pay, you could paid more bill more than from minimal payment limited. Be better not more than 30 percent from your income in every month. Basically, debt that you had must you decrease become smaller. If you had credit card more than 1 credit card, most payment could be use to pay much bill that had big interest.

Than was second, try to found new loan that give small interest to covers your debt in credit card that had big interest. Usually have several banks that offered transfer service in balance of debt with small interest. Here you could move the balance of your credit card debt to this bank, and next you only paid of bill that had small interest compared the interest in your credit card.

If your credit card bill had settled, try to arrange of use and used your credit card.

